Creative communication

einstein quote explainingI believe in good, clear and creative communication and at Orchard Baptist we work hard at this. One example of this is that we usually start our services with something that is simple to understand and that is usually fun that we use to explain the theme. This then (hopefully anyway!) means that people can grasp what the service is about regardless of their age, academic intellect or knowledge of the Bible. We use a variety of approaches such as interactive games, responsive activities eg post it notes, a story, video clips etc.

When talking about this, I’ve known some Christians get upset because they think we are dumbing down the faith, but I am talking about simplicity of communication, not necessarily simplicity of message. It is incredibly satisfying to communicate something very complicated in a simple and clear way that people can understand and apply. I love Einstein’s quote ‘If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough’. Jesus primary method of teaching was parables, something simple and accessible to all but with a depth that can be explored through asking questions. He understood well enough to communicate simply and I hope we are willing to follow his example.

Some of my posts are examples of how we communicate simply and you can access these here or by clicking on links under Trackbacks / Pingbacks below.

17 Responses to Creative communication

  1. Pingback: Fragile unless full | Honesty about my faith

  2. Pingback: Will England win the world cup? Are we hopeful or confident? Mission Impossible? | Honesty about my faith

  3. Pingback: The one about the snowman and summer | Honesty about my faith

  4. Pingback: Old wax crayons, brokeness and restoration | Honesty about my faith

  5. Pingback: Use the Force? | Honest about my faith

  6. Pingback: Which picture best describes your relationship with God? | Honest about my faith

  7. Pingback: I hate Christianese | Honest about my faith

  8. Pingback: Explaining the Holy Spirit simply – an all age talk / Sermon for Pentecost | Honest about my faith

  9. Pingback: A creative assembly or church talk for children about the trinity and the incarnation | Honest about my faith

  10. Pingback: A fun day stall that reminded people they were special and valuable | Honest about my faith

  11. Pingback: Giving our worries to God | Honest about my faith

  12. Pingback: Film clips for use in Fathers Day services and sermons: God is our Father | Honest about my faith

  13. Pingback: Who or what is the most valuable to you? | Honest about my faith

  14. Pingback: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? | Honest about my faith

  15. Pingback: Fix you, Brave, brokenness and transformation | Honest about my faith

  16. Pingback: A Creative Communion Service Inspired by John 8.1-12 | Honest about my faith

  17. Pingback: Sticking Pins in the Cross: A Creative Prayer Activity | Honest about my faith

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