The Blinking God

God is speaking but are we listeningYesterday I wrote about the blinking cyclist who was trying to signal to tell me something. Today I want to talk about the blinking God. I saw and understood what the cyclist was saying but do we see, hear and understand what God is telling us?

God is everywhere all at once and he sees everything we are doing and also everything that is going on around us, even in the situations we are about to enter. Who could be a better guide in life? If there is a God who is everywhere and knows everything then why wouldn’t we make more effort to listen to him?

God has given the Bible which acts a little like an instruction book for life. The Bible is what we use to interpret the more subjective guidance that we think might be from God. As I travel through life and I ask God to guide me, he does but the Bible acts as my authentication or check to see if these leadings are from God or not.

So, lets include God in our lives. Read the Bible today, talk to God and ask him to guide you and you may be surprised what happens.

Yesterday, 77 people read about the cyclist who signalled to me once, I wonder how many people will be interested in the God who is signalling constantly?

About honestaboutmyfaith

Hi, my name is Graeme and I’m married to a very patient wife. We have 4 children, 2 rabbits, a terrapin (and not a lot of peace and quiet!). I’m a Baptist Minister and I am especially interested in making Church accessible to people who have no church background and also in how we disciple people in order to equip them to live out their faith in the 21st Century.
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